Morrowind Developer Chat -- Date Change
A chat with some of the Morrowind development team will be held on irc.gamesnet.net (#Morrowind), hosted by the GameSpy Network in conjunction with the Morrowind Summit and Destination: Morrowind fan sites. The date of the chat has been changed and it will now take place April 4th @ 8PM EST. To learn more about Morrowind visit the official Elder Scrolls Web site.

New IHRA Patch v1.02
We've released a new patch for IHRA Drag Racing that addresses a number of issues related to Internet multiplayer play, and also adds a new feature for using custom paintpacks and wheels. Grab it from the Downloads section.

New Sea Dogs Patch v1.06
We've released a new patch (v 1.06) for Sea Dogs that addressses a number of issues related to properly continuing along quests and storylines. You can grab the lastest patch from our Downloads section.

Art of Magic Site Update
We've updated the Art of Magic Web site with a new creature of the week and two new screenshots.

Sea Dogs Magazine Reviews
The May issue Computer Gaming World features a two-page review of Sea Dogs that awarded the game 4 out of 5 stars calls it "a worthy successor to Sid Meier's Pirates." NextGen Magazine also recently awarded Sea Dogs 4 out of 5 stars in its March issue. Game Informer's March review of Sea Dogs awarded it a score of 8.5 in both the main review and second opinion. The author of the review indicated Sea Dogs was currently his favorite game. To read the full reviews in these mags, check your local newsstand or watch the mail for your subscription copy.

SimHQ Reviews Sea Dogs
A new review of Sea Dogs has popped up over at SimHQ. In the summary the reviewer states, "A combination of a completely dynamic campaign, a strong strategic element and a clever interface makes Sea Dogs a joy to play with a huge replay value." Read the full review here.

New Echelon Site Launched
We've given our official Echelon Web site Echelon Web site a facelift with an all new look and interface. In addition, we've added six new screenshots to the front page. To find out more about the hottest flight combat game of the year, stop by and check it out.

Morrowind Summit Launches
We are pleased to announce the arrival of Morrowind Summit, a new fan site for Morrowind and part of the GameSpy community. To help celebrate the launch, project lead Todd Howard took a few minutes to talk with Morrowind Summit about the progress of the game and even passed along an a new piece of concept art. Be sure to stop by and check it out.

Maximum 3D Previews Art of Magic
A new preview of Art of Magic has been posted at Maximum3D. They cover a number of topics and summarize their thoughts by saying: "Overall, Magic and Mayhem: The Art of Magic looks to stun. Building upon captivating new graphics and a premise that is highly addictive, this game has made a greater appeal to the masses." Read the full article here.

New Art of Magic Q&A
Voodoo Extreme has posted an interview they did with Andy Smith, producer of Art of Magic, which covers a number of topics including music, the camera system, and more.

Art of Magic Site Updated
We've added four new screenshots to the Art of Magic Web site, and are featuring a new creature of the week: the Goblin. Stop by to learn more about our upcoming 3D strategy game.

Art of Magic Site Launch!
We've launched a new Web site for Art of Magic. The site includes gameplay information, screenshots, artwork, and information about all of the creatures and spells available in the game, and a forum where gamers can talk to the developers and producers about the game and exchange feedback and ideas. In addition, each week the AOM site will highlight one of the creatures from the game. This week's Featured Creature is the Mountain Giant, a very powerful but somewhat dim-witted creature with a powerful ranged attack. Be sure to stop by and check it out.

Echelon Multiplayer Preview at DTF
Some of the folks at Daily Telefrag went to the multiplayer beta test session for Echelon and have put together an article sharing their thoughts on the experience. You can read the full article here.

PBA 2001 Patch v1.006 Released!
PBA 2001 patch version 1.006 is now available from our Downloads section.

The patch fixes the possibility of a crash in streaming music, occasional crashes in Tournament Mode, gives the game a smaller memory footprint, increases performance, and fixes a few other things.

Sea Dogs Patch 1.05 Released!
Sea Dogs patch 1.05 is now available for download from the official Sea Dogs website or our Downloads section. Please visit the official Sea Dogs website for more information about the patch.

New Echelon Screenshots
We have posted several new Echelon screenshots on our official Echelon Website. Stop by and check them out.

Morrowind Hotly Anticipated
In a recent poll of gamers at RPGPlanet, Morrowind was ranked the second most anticipated RPG of the year among non-massively multiplayer RPGs, and is the top-ranked first-person RPG on the list. To see the results and read what some voters had to say about Morrowind, click here.

Art of Magic Preview at AVault
The Adrenaline Vault has posted their preview of Art of Magic. Here's a quote from the preview:

"The new 3D engine in particular does wonders for the overall spell-flinging experience, with its impressive lighting and DirectX 8 powered effects truly helping to bring the series into the new millenium. Tack the staggering level of strategic spell-based strategy onto the series' trademark adventure/RPG elements, and The Art of Magic becomes a potentially explosive title to watch for." You can read the full article and see the screenshots here.

GameZone Previews Art of Magic
The folks over at GameZone have posted a short preview of Art of Magic accompanied by a number of new screenshots. The preview states that Art of Magic "incorporates well-rendered three-dimensional graphical elements, a wide range of quests and stellar special effects into a program that promises to keep players riveted to the action." Stop by to read the full article.

GameSpy Previews Morrowind
GameSpy has posted an early preview of Morrowind based on a firsthand look they got recently. "Showcasing some unbelievable graphics, exquisitely tuned gameplay and, of course, Bethesda's signature storytelling and depth, Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind is an epic RPG that will surely exceed all of your expectations." Read the full preview here.

New Morrowind Developer Diary
The latest Morrowind Developer Diary has been posted at Voodoo Extreme. In it, lead artist Matt Carofano discusses some of the issues he has been working on related to Morrowind's art. Stop by to see what he's been up to and check out the new images.

Art of Magic Preview at FiringSquad
FiringSquad has put together a very good, in-depth preview of Art of Magic that discusses their gameplay experiences at length. In summary, they conclude that "With fresh spells, a new look, and 3D gameplay how could you not aspire to be a furious mage walking across the land bringing apocalypse and summoning dragons?" Be sure to stop by and read the full preview and check out all the screenshots.

Daily Radar Previews Art of Magic
Daily Radar has posted a preview of Art of Magic. According to the preview, Art of Magic "has plenty of promise and could turn out to be a sleeper hit in 2001."

Elder Scrolls Inducted into GameSpy Hall of Fame
GameSpy announced that the Elder Scrolls Series has been inducted into their Hall of Fame. An article on the induction discusses the impact of Arena and Daggerfall on RPGs (and gaming in general). You can also find out more about the Elder Scrolls series by visiting www.elderscrolls.com, which includes information and screenshots on the next chapter in the Elder Scrolls series, Morrowind.

Submariners Love Sea Dogs Too
Proving that it appeals to more than just pirates, Subsim ("The Web's #1 Submarine Simulation Resource") has reviewed Sea Dogs and awarded it a score of 90. The review concludes that Sea Dogs, "gives you all the pirate and sailing action you can handle" and "manages to strike a good balance with its mix of sim/RPG/strategy game." You can read the full review here.

New Morrowind Screens
We've posted nine new screenshots on the Official Elder Scrolls Web site. These screens appeared in recent articles by Computer Gaming World (February issue) and CNet Gamecenter.

Echelon Q&A on GameSpy
GameSpyDaily has posted a short Q&A with Todd Vaughn on Echelon. Todd discusses the current state of Echelon and how the development has progressed.

Updated Echelon Info at Gamecenter
Gamecenter has posted an update on Echelon based on their experiences with a recent build of the game, and has posted 10 new screenshots as well. Read the article here, or visit the official Echelon Web site.

GameSpot Previews Art of Magic
GameSpot has posted a lengthy preview of Art of Magic that discusses the games aspects and contains a number of screenshots. According to the preview, "With the institution of a full 3D engine and a free-moving camera for giving players more control over the action, Art of Magic could be one of those rare games in which improved graphics not only make the game look better, but also contribute significantly to improved gameplay." Click here to read the full preview.

Sea Dogs Gets 4 Stars
Intelligamer has awarded Sea Dogs four stars and says that Sea Dogs "is a game that fans of the original [Pirates!] and new pirate mateys all over are likely to enjoy very much."

New Echelon Screens
We've posted five new screenshots on the official Echelon Web site.

Sea Dogs Scores 94% at Game Rankings
Game Rankings has posted its review of Sea Dogs and awarded the game a 94, calling it "truly a fantastic title, filled with enough adventure and mayhem for the adventuring pirate in all of us." Be sure to stop by and read the full review.

New IHRA Web site
We've launched our new IHRA Drag Racing Web site, with plenty of info and screenshots. If you want to get the scoop on what you can expect from our latest drag racing game for the PC, be sure to stop by and see what's up.

IGN PC Previews Art of Magic
The lads over at IGN PC have posted a preview of Art of Magic that contains some good info and lots of cool screenshots. Be sure to stop by and check it out.

Sea Dogs Gets 4 out of 5 Stars
3D Gaming Daily has posted their review of Sea Dogs and has awarded it 4 out of 5 stars. Read the full review here.

GamePower Reviews Sea Dogs
GamePower has awarded Sea Dogs 3.5 Bolts out of 4 in its recent review. The review calls Sea Dogs, "An immersive, addictive experience on par with Sid Meier's Pirates!, this salty 3-1/2-bolt adventure is both shipshape and seaworthy." Be sure to stop by and read the full review.

Game-Over.net Reviews Sea Dogs
Sea Dogs has received an 85% score from Game-Over.net. "If you like a good RPG, if you've ever thought it would be pretty cool to be a swashbuckling pirate captain, or if you're just looking for something a little different, then this is the game for you." You can read the full review here.

Art of Magic Preview
Quarter to Three has posted a "60 second" preview of Art of Magic. Stop by for a quick read and see what they have to say.

Sea Dogs One Of 'Five Best'
GA-RPG has named Sea Dogs as one of the five best RPGs of 2000. According to the article, "There hasn't been a game like this released since Sid Meier's Pirates Gold, and that was a classic." Read the full article here.

Morrowind Preview in CGW
The February issue of Computer Gaming World features a nice preview of Morrowind with good info and a handful of new screenshots. Be sure to check it out. We'll post the shots on Elder Scrolls web site in the next week.

Sea Dogs Gets 4.5 Stars
MPOG.com has posted its review of Sea Dogs and awarded it 4.5 stars. "When is the last time you played a game that, when you finished playing it, you felt like you had really accomplished something? Well, gamers everywhere can rejoice, because Bethesda Softworks has given us that game." Read the full review here.

New Fan Site
We're happy to welcome Mr. Monkey's Safe Port to our family of Sea Dogs fan sites. Stop by to check out this excellent, well-designed fan site.

New Patches
We have posted Sea Dogs patch version 1.04 and IHRA patch version 1.01. You can download them here.

Another Editor's Choice Award for Sea Dogs
ActionTrip awarded Sea Dogs its Editor's choice award and called Sea Dogs "addictive as hell", adding, "it's perfectly balanced (just like Pirates was), and it adds more than just flashy graphics." Read the full review at ActionTrip.

Gamecenter Features Morrowind Preview
Gamecenter has put together a fairly lengthy, in-depth preview of Morrowind that includes lots of good info and a couple of new screenshots. Be sure to stop by and check it out.

Sea Dogs gets 5 Stars
GamePen has posted its review of Sea Dogs and has awarded it five stars. According to the reviewer, "Sea Dogs is the best game I've played in the last two months. I've practically given up on unimportant activities like eating and sleeping." Read the full review here.

Gamecenter Taps Morrowind
In its article, Top 10 Predictions for 2001, CNET Gamecenter selected The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind as one of its top games for the coming year. "Those who love all the nitty-gritty details of RPGs--character creation, different guilds and factions, spell learning, and so on--will find more than enough to slake their thirst. Throw in the game-building tool that Bethesda's planning to ship with the game, and you have more than you could want in a role-playing game." Read what else they had to say about our epic RPG here.

Sea Dogs Reviews
A number of reviews of Sea Dogs have begun showing up. Here's what the press has said about Sea Dogs:

Computer Games Online - "What makes the game so addictive is its well-paced combat and the anticipation of buying a bigger and better ship. There's a lot of gameplay here and you can spend dozens of hours questing in the Archipelago. " Read the full review.

Gamespot - "...the number of ways to play and things to do will keep you coming back for awhile." (9 out of 10 for Reviewer's Tilt). Read the full review.

Washington Post - "Graphics and sound are outstanding, especially at sea, where they vividly illustrate how rough weather and a rolling ocean affect how your ship handles." "...this game is rich in replayability."

Stay tuned for more Sea Dogs reviews and be sure to visit the official Sea Dogs Web site.

Morrowind Chat Log
The log from our recent chat on RPG Vault (and sponsored by Destination: Morrowind) in now available on Destination: Morrowind. Be sure to read it and find out what news you might have missed.

New Morrowind Screenshots
We've posted two new screenshots from a recent feature article that appeared in Joystick Magazine (France). Stop by the Elderscrolls.com to check them out.

Gromada Nominated for Award
Gameindustry.com has nominated Gromada as a finalist for its Family Entertainment Game of the Year award.

Sea Dogs Patch Available
We've released a patch for Sea Dogs that fixes a several game bugs and adds a number of requested features, including multiple difficulty levels, inverted mouse control support, and more. Visit our Patches section to download it now.

Sea Dogs Site Updated
Want to see pictures of every ship in the game? Check out the latest update on the Sea Dogs website. The Ships section under Gameplay has been updated with lots of new information.

Sea Dogs is out in stores now!

Sea Dogs Wins Editor's Choice Award
IGN PC has awarded Sea Dogs its Editor's Choice Award. The review calls Sea Dogs "an excellent game that deserves mounting on any dedicated seafarer's monitor." Stop by and read the full review.


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